Security leadership for your next stage of growth

Maybe your newly hired or promoted IT security leader could use some mentoring. Maybe you’ve recently been breached and need to get back on track asap. Maybe an extra brain with years of hands-on experience is exactly what you need to lead your secure digital transformation for the next few months.

We take the responsibility. You take the credit.

Think of your new interim CISO as a coach or a mentor, bringing key players up to speed on what it takes to support the vision and culture of the company and translate it into a more secure enterprise. We can also identify personnel gaps and help with recruiting, vetting candidates, and onboarding.

We have the security partner for you

Working with you they can review your processes, listen to your needs, and help you build a plan to meet your goals. This might include helping you “shift left” to align your security framework and standard operating procedures and developing a cadence of ongoing, relevant C-level communications.

Clarify your business objectives

  • Clarify your business objectives.

  • Receive an annualized plan with a 90-day focused results cycle.

  • Gain traction early and maintain optimal momentum.

  • Define your vision and establish a communication cadence.

  • Align to the CIS Top 20 objectives and select an ideal framework.

  • Learn best practices in metrics-driven leadership, including OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

  • Close your security gaps and feel confident that you’ve exceeded minimum compliance standards and checked every vulnerability.